Google unveiled an AI-powered advertising solution, Demand Gen Campaigns, with the goal of redirecting advertising expenditure from platforms like Facebook and Instagram to Google’s ecosystem. This innovative advertising product leverages artificial intelligence to create precisely targeted video and image ads on YouTube and various other Google platforms. The primary objective of Demand Gen Campaigns is to assist advertisers in expanding their advertising strategies beyond the conventional realms of Facebook and Instagram. It signifies Google’s latest endeavour to compete with traditional social platforms for a share of advertising investments.

These campaigns make use of video ads lasting up to 15 seconds, perfectly suited for pre- and mid-roll placements on YouTube. They also include image carousels optimized for mobile devices. Advertisers have the flexibility to customize ad content and messaging for different audience segments using the creative tools offered by Demand Gen. Various formats, including bumper ads and carousels, are designed to captivate user attention and interest as they scroll through their feeds. Furthermore, it harnesses Google’s potent AI to identify “lookalike” audiences that share characteristics with a brand’s existing customer base. With sophisticated bidding and budget tools, advertisers gain precise control over ad delivery to drive clicks, site traffic or conversions. Google asserts that Demand Gen empowers advertisers with increased flexibility to fine-tune campaigns based on performance data. Notably, this release comes at a time when consumer viewing behaviours are swiftly evolving. Recent surveys have revealed that viewers are dividing their time between traditional social platforms like Facebook and Instagram and video-oriented sites such as YouTube. Google’s research indicates that 90% of users have engaged with content from a specific creator or artist across multiple platforms and formats over the past year.

Experts attribute this shift to “social media fatigue,” as users seek more genuine engagement beyond the highly curated feeds of platforms like Instagram. YouTube is perceived as a space for authentic interaction with creators. Consequently, this change in viewing habits poses challenges for advertisers accustomed to targeting audiences predominantly on Facebook and Instagram. Demand Gen is strategically crafted to enable advertisers to capitalize on this shift. Google contends that Demand Gen Campaigns can empower advertisers to make the most of this transformation by offering visually captivating ads tailored to specific audiences. These ads are designed to capture users’ attention as they browse through YouTube, Google Discover, and other facets of the Google ecosystem. Officially launched on October 10, Demand Gen Campaigns have replaced Google’s previous Discovery ads product, with the gradual phase-out of Discovery campaigns expected to extend into early 2024.