The latest update of WordPress, Version 6.4, introduces pivotal changes in how scripts are orchestrated for the website’s front end, ultimately enhancing page load times and overall performance for a multitude of sites. This update seamlessly incorporates script loading strategies into the core and bundled themes of WordPress, revolutionizing the efficiency of loading scripts with the defer and async attributes. These attributes play a fundamental role in instructing the browser to load scripts either concurrently in the background or post-loading the remainder of the page. This implementation brings about a significant acceleration in rendering pages and improving their responsiveness. In previous versions, JavaScript files embedded within WordPress themes and plugins lacked specifications to load asynchronously, causing them to impede other downloads and delay the rendering of web pages while they were being fetched and executed. For the benefit of website visitors, this update leads to the expedited loading of pages containing WordPress content, with a specific focus on enhancing the Core Web Vitals’ critical metric known as the ‘first contentful paint (FCP)’. This metric directly influences how swiftly the page initially materializes for the viewer.